Moove Bike

UX Design, UI Design, Branding
Project Overview
An app for cyclists to commute together based on the concept of "Bike Bus", we developed it from scratch at in 2011.
My Contributions
Responsible for creating the service brand and visual language, thinking the digital experiences from scratch, creating prototypes and visual systems for iOS.
From the ground
We created the opportunity for ourselves to build a service from zero, and that was a great way notice our thinking patterns and habits while structuring a product. Yes, we failed a lot, probably in 99% of the steps. But it has created a reference for comparison in future projects for all of us involved.
Going full Skeuomorphism
As my first iOS app designed, I've experimented a lot with what was going on on Skeuomorphic world. With the team, and city managers I've designed a number features to turn citizens data into better decisions.