
Data Analysis, UX Research, Prototyping, Design System,
Design Sprints, Material Design, Lottie Animations
Project Overview
PSafe Technology Inc is a leading provider of mobile privacy, security, and performance apps for the Android platform. The company is dedicated to delivering innovative products that protect consumers’ freedom to safely connect, share, play, express, and explore online. The flagship antivirus and anti-hacking app, dfndr security, has 150+ million installations globally and 15+ monthly active users mostly in Brazil and USA.
My Contributions
At Psafe I was responsible for thinking, researching and developing all aspects of product creation, working with data-driven design, user research, user experience, motion and UI. I've created and implemented the Design System for all applications (Android and iOS), improved the existing portfolio by working closely with different teams and helped building products from scratch.

Along with the UX team we came up with new methods to run research in a daily basis. My main goal was to build premium experience, and while using our research data about what mobile users value today considering security and privacy, we created solutions that protect and inform users about their data usage, that along with other improvements doubled up the premium conversion in US.
Design Sprint
Collaborated and participated on across team activities to tackle big problems and quickly validate ideas with the users.

The outcome of one of the design sprints for Dfndr Vault was to simplify the onboarding process, reducing it from 13 to 5 simple steps, while reaching our objective of success for a first experience.

This boosted conversion and engagement from 5% to 20% in less than 6 months.
User Research Card, Quanti Research & Daily Discoveries
This direct contact with users allowed us to upload a new survey or test, go for a coffee ☕️ and come back to check the results, reducing the risk of developing something that doesn't fit with the users.

With Quanti Research, we could decide our work based upon a user's feedback analysis on their needs and expectations from a Premium security mobile app.

As a way to keep a window open to what users are currently feeling and thinking about our researched subject, we launched questions in the daily basis keep building up and updating our user knowledge for better product fit.
Usability Tests to Minimize Frictions
As a way to eliminate guesswork,  minimize accessibility frictions, uncover tap opportunities, see what catches attention the most, get insights about each target culture before releasing UI. Very important to get the right subject focused on every instance. I've used preference tests, first click generating heatmaps, 5 seconds all-you-can-remember test and more.
*Graphs information are not accurate in respect to company's privacy.
Learning with Actual Data: AB Tests
Conducted new hypothesis trials for better Retention, Engagement and Premium Revenue.
Tracking every screen
Measuring the success and churns of important screens as a Key Objective, feeding us insight for improvement.
Design System:
Creation and Implementation
The object was to turn Psafe apps more accessible and visually coherent throughout the experience, and to optimise UX work to focus on other important areas such as getting at the right solution before going to UI.
The Premium Experience
As UX Lead of the Subscription Squad, I've launched two advanced features: Identity Theft Monitoring, for know when one of your accounts have been breached and what has been breached, and App Privacy Scan, to know why and where their installed applications are using your personal data.

Along with that, Illustrations and Lottie animations were applied to get our value out there.