UX Study: Daily Delivery App for Drivers
A two day UX and UI study on the subject of a daily logistical service.
February 27, 2019
As a self-proposed challenge, I was cover the diversity of matters a driver can have on a work day, its stops and traffic possibilities, and develop an human-centered experience from the beginning. I limited to only two days, so I did my best effort to approximate to the user leaving usability tests for a future step.
In order to learn from some of the most validated navigation experiences we have, I put up a heuristics Benchmark study and gathered initial ideas.
Then started defining the flows of the driver directly on the wireframe.
After gathering feedback from design critique with other designers, they approved the direction I was going and added a few insights anticipating UI best practices and Dev's possibilities.

So I started to set up a basic Design System that would work for this project. Based on Material Design since is a very know Information architecture already on the mind of users.

No wonder Lyft's design makes use of purple and pink colors, they prove to play a very complementary role over the usual map colors. I figure that out while testing out different palettes.
→ Lyft Color Use Example
And then the definition of colors for each usecase: CTAs, Secondary buttons, Highlights, Text, Icons, and so on.

Here is a close look to the UI details:

But I strongly recommend you to check the transitions and flow on the Figma prototype below:
Thanks for reading it :)

More reading

Identity Theft Monitoring: UX Research leading Growth →
november 3, 2020
Thoughts about the UX Process →
February 14, 2020
UX Study: Using Data Tips for a Tour Sales Dashboard →
November 29, 2019