UX Study: Class Frequency and Grades, a management app for school teachers
A 3-day exercise to understand map a journey and test a solution
November 27, 2019
I created this challenge for myself after hearing how teachers of public schools in Brazil feel the weight of managing frequency and grades of their students.

An User Journey Map can be useful for many things, to identify relationship failures, map new business opportunities, enhance a product, or simply improve the user experience. And its purpose will after give ground to solutions for real user problems.

So here was my process for creating a User Journey Map:
1. Initial Data
In the case of already having a product running, the first step would be to analyse its every data you have: qualitative and quantitative surveys, satisfaction surveys, customer complaints, analytics and social media.
Doing an immersion workshop with clients using ethnographic or exploratory research, observing their day-to-day behavior and look for insights that can bring about assertive change.
2. Touch Points
List all channels of contact with the company and observe how quickly each one supports.
3. Empathy Map
A way of organising how each customer counts, does, thinks and feels their experience within a given context, with to clarify what it's like to be a customer of this product.
4. Create Solutions
Through exercises conducted by a group moderator from different areas, the goal is to get the most ideas in a short time. And analyze them together according to the agreed criteria.
5. Draw the Journey
The time to combine all the learning so far and create a kind of map that represents the customer's relationship with the product.
But as I started this project from scratch, what I had was some friends who teach at public schools or have taught on the past. So I'm going to tell you a little bit of how this process happened in these steps: 1. Talking to Teachers, 2. Empathy Map, 3. Benchmark Analysis, 4. Creating Solutions,
To begin the project, I decided to talk directly with some teachers who have already taught in public school and have used applications for grades and note down frequencies. I've also put together a few starter questions just to get the conversation going.
The teachers I've talked to had already taught in public school and used applications for grades and note down frequencies. From the conversation I pictured some of the emotional landscape and the mindset of teachers considering their responsibility with frequency and grades.

The most commented factor was the lack of public school structure.
While observing their stories, was possible make it visual on a timeline of activities, feelings and start to mapping some opportunities.
While there are two main subjects, Frequency and Grades, making parents between them would force some thinking friction. So I decided to keep both entries separated and available from the first step. The link of Frequency and Grades can be possible as Students are added later on.

For Frequency, its necessary asset it's Class, and for Grades it's Test. So the challenge here was to make it clear from the start.
By using some well known concepts from UI design, I've come across a look and feel that is very clean and focused on agility, considering that the teacher could be adding student while wanting to give tell if they are present or not, or rapidly linking Tests into Classes.

Have a little fun with the prototype and see what you feel 👇
(Remember, it's a prototype and not all functions are 100%)
The next step here will be testing it with the teachers, which I didn't yet had time to do, but really want to get feedback and possibly build a storyboard out of it.
I noticed some big opportunity here that this project could advance into Tests, giving grades for each student while the teacher corrects the questions, doing the sum and adding it to the Student.
Thanks for reading it!

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